
“I will come again and conquer you, because as a mountain you cannot grow. But as a human I can….”-Sir Edmund Hillary

The most significant thing that changed between Sir Edmund Hillary’s first and second attempt was only one – His mental elasticity and emotional strength. Perhaps this is what makes us humans unique in comparison to an obstacle or a mountain! We grow, evolve, adjust, and restart. Sometimes people need a push, nudge, some emotional support, plan and/or direction. At Strelitzia, we provide you all of this and more, to help you maintain stead and continue to evolve.

There are many reasons we believe that students and adults, irrespective of their age, academic ladder or career stage need counseling, mentoring and guidance.

  • I get good grades in all my mock exams, but I am somehow not able to score well in the school exam.
  • I start off with a lot of energy, but I lose interest towards the end of the project.
  • I do not know how to manage my time after coaching classes.
  • I study hard and I understand everything, but I do not get the proportionate result.
  • There are so many competitive exams my friends are giving, but I don’t know which ones are meant for me.
  • I lose my temper when my friends do not agree with my plans

Sometimes what people need is more than academic coaching and career counseling. They need a little clarity about their own lives, cognizance of their strengths and weaknesses and a well-designed actionable plan to overcome their challenges. These challenges often reside outside the academic realms. These are the sort of things which need emotional training, EQ coaching and support.

We help people clear the cloud, help them de-clutter their thought process and their to-do list. We help them manage their time, prioritize their work, by going down every item of their do-to list.

Our counseling equips people with life skills on managing a conflict at school, work or home, handling pressure, facing defeat- failing an exam or missing a promotion at work.

We also help people waddle through the information inundation, because everything that your friend does or says may not be meant for you. Why prepare for a Mathematics Olympiad when your heart lies in literature? You need spend your time in devouring classics and literary thinkers than read through the Resnik Halliday Walker.

We help you learn more about yourself, work and study efficiently and grow as a person, because only humans can grow, mountains can’t!