Our Process

“Coming together is the beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success”- Henry Ford

At Strelitzia, we believe that all individuals are unique in their talents, dreams and strengths. And while we celebrate the uniqueness of every person, our motto remains the same- to harness these unique traits and make them the anchor for a fulfilling future.

In doing so, we follow a logical sequence of steps which help us know you better. Strelitzia Consulting’s Career guidance program begins with a pre-test counselling process where we get to know you better. We follow it up with a battery of assessments consisting of a combination of Personality, Interest, Aptitude/Ability and/or Emotional Intelligence tests. The combined results from these tests are evaluated to recommend various Career options for you

“A Good Coach will make the players see what they can become rather than what they are”- Ara Parseghian