Career Service

Middle School Programs

Our experts evaluate your strengths, interests, emotional intelligence, abilities, etc to help you make the right decisions.

High School Programs

Want to choose your perfect career? Let’s explore the endless oceans of options and opportunities.

Study Abroad

We work round the clock to help you get to your best-fit University across the globe.

College Student Programs

Caught between higher studies or getting your first job or in choosing the best-fit Post Grad course? Our experts help sort it all out.

For Women

We give a standing ovation to these heroes who want to rebuild, reskill, and restart. Our experts guide you to new beginnings!

For Professionals

Is going to work daily becoming a drudgery? Are you looking for a career change? We help you transition to build careers that become your new way of life.

Mentoring, Guidance and Coaching

Whether you need career advice, emotional guidance or a devil’s advocate, we are there to help you establish and guide you towards your goals.

Workshops and Training

Build your skills to be future-ready, career-ready. Understand the opportunities available around you.

Assessment Centre

Knowing yourself with your strengths, weaknesses, beliefs, thinking styles etc is key for successful career choices. Our experts guide you to maximise your potential