In the age of information inundation and time constraints faced by students and parents due to packed schedules, classes and careers, we often find ourselves under a mountain of information, difficult to filter. By putting a career counselling program at wheels, you ensure that a team of experts, who have expertise and experience in best-fit career options, new age careers, and career paths, can guide you towards the right trail.

There is nothing like the ideal time to make the right decisions. Yet we have seen students go through different cycles of interest and passions, some of which can be fabulous careers if guided at the right time. This makes Middle Schoolers at grade 6th onwards a ripe to time to access their interest and emotional intelligence.

Career guidance is not a one-time activity. It is pertinent to note that at every age, the scope of career counseling varies. Whilst it starts with interest mapping and assessment of emotional intelligence in the 6th and 7th grades, it progresses into career guidance, subject selection, stream selection, board selection, and final decisions on universities, courses, and career paths with each passing year. We recommend a review every six months to stay on the career path and/or plan for course corrections.

Often career decisions are based on the inputs from family, friends, and well-wishers. While this had been one of the traditional methods of career decisions in the past decade, the 21st century entails a scientific method of choosing the right career based on evaluations, inputs, and researches done by experts.

Career counseling is like choosing Google maps to reach your destination. Its quicker, safer, and usually the best route.

We would love to have parents involved in the process, especially keeping in mind the students ’age and guidance needs. We believe parents are an integral part of a student’s career and future choices.

However, we have professionals, postgraduates and women in the second career as our clients who can take independent decisions.

Our unbiased advice, our comprehensive assessments, and tests, detailed analysis and impeccable research on careers, learning styles, emotional growth, intellectual quotient, etc makes us proud of our process. At Strelitzia, we guide and mentor students and working professionals to make the best career and future choices which do not only make them successful professionals but also gives them life skills to navigate through the real world.

A student may be good at physics but may find himself daydreaming about his/her favorite character from the fiction novel he/she read. And this is where psychometric tests come into play. Sometimes we confuse interests for aptitude, and capability for inclination.

These are statistically proven tests used to map your strengths, weaknesses, key corrected traits, interest, aptitude, etc. This information is stitched together to arrive at a comprehensive review before charting a holistic career roadmap.

Absolutely and completely. Whether you are an undergrad or post-grad student who needs support in the essay and application or struggling with identifying courses, colleges, and essays and applications, you will find us by your side.

We don’t just help you build a perfect application, but also guide you in curating a perfect profile by suggesting pre-college courses, workshops, training, internships, reading lists et al.

Absolutely and completely. Whether you are an undergrad or post-grad student who needs support in the essay and application or struggling with identifying courses, colleges, and essays and applications, you will find us by your side.

We don’t just help you build a perfect application, but also guide you in curating a perfect profile by suggesting pre-college courses, workshops, training, internships, reading lists et al.

We believe that a person’s uniqueness is his best trait. This uniqueness defines the way you respond to situations, the choices you make and the attributes which are an integral part of who you are. A Personality test helps us reach your unique traits and help guide you to career choices keeping your personality in mind.

We hear you! It may be a TV series you watched, a novel you read, your summer project or your favorite teacher in a school, and the general exposure which maybe governing a large part of your interest. But remember, your interest like your personality evolves. We use a series of scientific assessments to help you figure your interests and guide you to hone them into an asset.

We couldn’t agree more. Your dream career is as dear to us as it is to you. Our career counseling is designed in such a way that we put together a plan which helps you make remedies and course corrections in your approach to reach your dreams.

We believe that nothing is impossible if approached the right way. Then why change your dream career if you can tweak and refine yourself to not just become a better version of yourself, but also inch closer to your dreams.

Dealing with competition is a multipronged approach. It requires a high level of academic expertise along with indomitable resilience and emotional intelligence. Our scientifically designed assessments evaluate your emotional intelligence and our counselors have the expertise to train you with life skills which help make you a stronger individual.

Remember, life does not always get easier, but we get stronger!

Yes, at any point in time you feel you want to change your course, we will rework a plan to help you transition. Our process of 6 monthly reviews of plan, interest, and progress usually helps us address the need for change much earlier in the process.

While the extent of change may vary on a case to case basis, usually a course correction is possible.

This is an virtual internship program designed to provide an opportunity for students from Class 6 to 12 to familiarize themselves with any of the eighteen career options offered, and learn the practical and soft skills involved in their chosen careers through the guidance of industry experts, from the comfort of their homes! It focuses on a hands-on approach to foster the best kind of learning. The program involves engaging videos by industry experts, immersive simulated activities that test the skills learned, and concludes with an Internship Certificate and a comprehensive report of the student’s skills analysed by experts.
While this program can be experienced by all age groups, it is most useful for the age groups who are in the process of exploring their career choices, which is from Grade 6 to Grade 12.
The VIP is an intensively researched, developed and tested program. Virtual Internship Program integrates simulations (tasks or activities a professional does on daily basis) with an in-depth orientation of the industry. These simulations tap practical skills and are designed and tested by experienced psychologists (age-appropriate cognitive ability).
Our signature Career Assessment Program helps the student make the right career choice that best suit his/her Personality, Interests and Abilities. It is an objective and scientific process that is conducted over multiple personalized sessions with the student and his/her parents. VIP gives students the opportunity to get experiential or practical learning in multiple careers from the comfort of their homes. For best results, it is recommended to combine the VIP with a detailed career assessment of the student. For appointments for a personalized Career Assessment, click here.
VIP is a unique, innovative, scientific, and tech-savvy program which is very easy for students to register as it taps into their audio-visual senses. Students get an opportunity to get hands-on exposure to every realm of the field by practically trying different careers, rather than by assuming facts. Students get a 360°, holistic, and unbiased perspective of each career. The practical skill sets of the students’ chosen and performed profession is analyzed by our expert psychologists. A comprehensive, detailed, and scientific report is generated. The students are provided with Virtual Internship certificates that can be used to enhance their resume.
Yes, it will definitely benefit such students also as it gives them the opportunity to get a hands-on practical exposure to the career/s he/she is sure about. It not only gives a minute detail of the profession but also a holistic picture. The VIP assessment is unbiased. Through VIP, students will be able to view their career decision objectively and precisely.
VIP compiles the experience of multiple physical internships into a 1-2.5 hours Virtual Internship, which allows the student to gain experience worth multiple months in a very time-effective way.
Yes, the students can opt for as many internships as they wish. In fact, it is advisable to take VIP in multiple careers so that the students can be more objective and surer of their career decisions. The greater number of VIPs tried and explored, the better the career decision can be made.
VIP is entirely conducted in English language. To watch the VIP online one should have a laptop or computer with a strong internet connection. Please note that the current version of the product is not supported on mobile devices. For the best experience, use a laptop / desktop computer and use Google Chrome to access the program.