Women - The Second Leap

Let us put our hands together for the unsung heroes, the trailblazers- the women walking back into the workplace, taking their rightful place. When a woman decides to restart her career, the first thing she deserves is an applause, the second is unconditional support from family & friends, and third mentoring and guidance. Those steps, which were once confident of themselves, may sometimes begin to falter at the doorstep of change. Self-doubts may arise questioning the potential and plausibility of their decision, rethinking before taking the plunge.

Some of thoughts that echo are:
  • I want to restart my career from where I left off.
  • I would like to become an entrepreneur
  • I have never worked earlier but would like to start now. How do I begin?
  • I have always been financially independent. After my kid/s, I am no longer so. How do I get back to being financially independent?
  • I want my own individual identity. How do I start?
  • Will I be able to get back after such a long career break?
  • My child is now a teenager. After such a long break, will I be able to find work?
  • Motherhood has changed me. I do not want to work long hours like before. How do I get back to the workforce without compromising my time with my child?

But remember career break is not a full-stop, it is at best an interlude!

We specialize in answering your questions and directing you towards a goal-oriented career path. We offer the “THE SECOND LEAP” program for all Women who want to enter the workforce again on their own terms! It could be career guidance services ranging from interest assessment, reskilling needs, higher education to career transition to other work areas.

A detailed analysis of the individual is done based on the individual’s strengths, weaknesses, and interests, customized to the individual. Guidance counselling is done based on the test results and the individual’s priorities. Various career options specific to the client would be discussed where not only her strengths and interests can be maximized but guidance given towards the right direction to achieve her goals!

A strong woman looks at the challenge in the eye, and gives it a wink
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