College/ University Selection

Study in India

We help you shortlist colleges based on your career choices and provide guidance in application and admission processes. Our structured college planning sessions are designed to help you choose from the teeming options.

We know you may be seeking answers for many such questions:
  • I have admission offers from three colleges. How do I make the right choice? Will I be a right fit there?
  • I didn’t know that I would have to appear for Entrance Exams. How do I prepare for them?
  • What should be my exam strategy?
  • How do I find out the Application and admission process?
  • Did I miss any application deadlines?
  • What are the marks/ grades Cut offs for various colleges?
  • What should be my Plan B?
We are happy to guide you to your perfect college
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Study Abroad

Studying abroad is a big decision – both emotionally and financially.

Global opportunities are a great career boost, but it comes with a tedious process which can be both daunting and overwhelming. Our unbiased mentoring and guidance sessions, fed by our comprehensive diagnostic tests, will assess your interests and talents and point them in the direction towards the right career streams and the best fit Universities in the country of your choice.

Some of the natural questions and doubts that you may have:
  • Am I ready to study abroad?
  • How can I match my abilities and strengths to the college / university pedagogy?
  • Which colleges have the courses I want to go for?
  • What Advanced courses and modules should I choose at college?
  • How and when should I start preparing for SAT/ ACT?
  • Do I need to give any other exam?
  • What activities can I do at home and over the summer to get ready for college?
  • What kind of grade requirements do different colleges have?
  • Are there any special scholarships or financial aid I can avail?
  • What are the documentation requirements – transcripts, recommendations, certificates, bank statements, etc.?
  • How do I work on my admission essays – brainstorm, review and edit?
  • Different countries have different application deadlines. When is the right time to apply?
  • Do I need to work on my personality and extracurriculars to increase my chances of selection?
  • Do I need Interview training?

We understand your uncertainties, the doubts creeping in till the day you hit the submit button on your application. We have the necessary expertise and experience to ease out the tension, work hard with you to get you college ready, and handhold you to the gateway of a global education.

The harder we work together, the better we plan together, the better the opportunities you get
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