Career Awareness (8th - 10th)

Don’t let your marks decide your career track. First let us take an intense look at your natural talents, strengths, and interests. Next, we will help you map all these with the possible and most apt career options.

We offer career awareness program to our middle school students to give them a bird’s eye view of the vast universe of possibilities mapped to their skills and interests. This is customized to the individual child’s requirement, based on the evaluation of test results. Detailed suggestions are given on education fields, based on the child’s interests, ability and personality strengths and weaknesses. A comprehensive report is provided with an in-depth analysis of the child’s personality, interests, and ability. We firmly believe that nothing is impossible, and we encourage our students to use this as a steppingstone to embark on a journey of self-discovery.

If you haven’t already gone through our Career Foundation program, we strongly recommend that you do so along with the Career Awareness program. Our programs are designed to answer the crucial queries faced by the middle schooler.

How we work

The Career Awareness program starts with a detailed Career assessment.

This forms the crux of the Career awareness program and consists of the following steps:
  • Pre-test Counselling
  • Psychometric testing
  • Post – Test Counselling

Through this first step, we also deep dive into many other aspects of academic and career paths. It starts with making some preliminary choices like board, stream and subject combination, developmental and corrective plans, sneak peek into education abroad and experiential learning opportunities.

The first step for many parents and students can be choosing from a number of curricula/ boards offered in India, including ICSE, ISC, IGCSE, CIE, IB, CBSE, State Boards and State International Boards.

What to consider:
  • Curriculum structure and focus areas – Ex: Some boards focus on Math and Science, while some on Humanities
  • Choice of subjects + choice of electives
  • Compulsory Subjects
  • Criteria of assessment
  • Complexity Levels
  • Insight into educational institutions
  • Prospects in India and abroad
We are happy to hold the torch
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Having chosen the board is not always enough. The next choice to make is the stream or subject.

Most daunting questions:
  • I like Science. But will I be able to cope with it in high school?
  • Should I keep Math and/or take Biology?
  • Is medicine a right choice for me?
  • I would like to study psychology with science. Is it possible?
  • Am I fit for Commerce?
  • I have very good grades. Does that mean I have to take science?
  • Do I have a Flair for Humanities?
  • Should I pursue Fine arts or History?
  • Literature an interesting field. Does it have a career future?
  • I like Math and English, but not science. Is it a plausible combination?
  • I want to be a doctor, but I don’t like Physics. Can I still study medicine?

To help you make this choice, we have an exhaustive multi-dimensional psychometric assessment to help you map your abilities, personality traits and areas of interest. Our suggestions are based on the evaluation of the assessment report and a personal counseling session to understand your strengths, weaknesses, interests and aspirations. We help you uncover your true potential.

Let us pick the pearls from the ocean together
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Based on your areas of interest and future pathways, we help you choose an immersive experience to give you a peek into your future. Based on our understanding of you, we recommend the best summer programs to fit your development and correction needs.

Let’s make this summer better
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To know more about summer programs in India and Abroad: Blogs

To know that our child is good is not good enough. Gone are the days when only academic results used to matter. The admission process now consists of a one or a combination of written tests, GDs, Interviews, essays on life experiences, critical thinking, reasoning etc. To be able to shine through these multiple processes of selection and elimination, the students need deep life experiences, hands-on activities and master-crafts.

We need to know which of their talents to showcase, highlight their achievements and sculpt them into a well-balanced personality. This requires a careful planning and selection of activities which they have a choice to pursue through their middle and high school years. These activities will not only help them become the Master at their craft and improving their skills, but also give them that extra edge they need to face the rigorous selection criterions at universities. The added benefit is that of a well-rounded personality ready to take on the 21st century.

We have the expertise to help you plan your school years to enhance your experiences and learning and to facilitate your grooming and transformation into the perfect candidate at your ideal university.