
  • I am a professional with 30 years of corporate experience. I was looking for someone to work with me on my essays for fellowship program at Harvard and I chanced upon Deepa. She was Extremely professional in her approach and really helped me bring out my thoughts in a crisp, coherent way.

    R. Dahiya
    (Senior Management Professional)

  • It was a fun learning experience. It helped me know and learn about my strengths and weaknesses. It gave me future guidance about my passion and profession. In the end, I would like to say “Thank You???


  • It was extremely informative and helpful. Trust it will help my daughter plan her career well. The discussion was open and all the questions were answered.


  • Thank You so much. Now I am very clear in my mind for my daughter and will do the best for her. Thank you for your support and help. It means a lot to me.


  • Deepa is a sincere and honest counsellor. She makes an effort to understand the child’s personality in total and know his interest and temperament before giving any advise. She is meticulous and detailed in her work up for the child and gives comprehensive answers to the queries of the parents and children alike.


  • Hi Deepa! It was great experience working with you during our NISHWAS workshops for Mumbai Police. I appreciate your keen attention and dedicated efforts for the project. You are not only a valued member of the team but also a dear friend.

    (Chartered Accountant)

  • Thank you, Deepa for helping me dissect my problems. thank you for lending an ear & providing me with your advises. They are surely helpful. You were patient, did not interrupt me and you guided the conversation very professionally.

    (Mid career professional)

  • It was a great experience as it helped me be aware about places where I have to put in more efforts. It also helped me get career options according to my ability, interests and personality.

    Shruti Pai
    (Class 8 student)

  • The admission process became much clearer after the guidance session. So less hassles for us. I got insights into my daughter’s personality which can help me help her in a better way.

    Sanyukta Pai

  • Excellent assessment, crisp analysis of personality, aptitude and interest. It was very thought provoking guidance useful for the child’s overall development.

    Rajesh Pai