Family Business

Family Business

₹3000 ₹2000

Confused about which career to choose? Have you always wanted to follow in your family’s footsteps or have your own business? Do you feel like you would like to be the director of a big family business someday, like the Godrej family? Practically experience & understand concepts like family dynamics, production, manufacturing, sales, etc. Test yourself as an Entrepreneur through our online Virtual Internship Program (VIP), simply from the comfort of your home, anytime, anywhere!

Instructor : Akash Doshi

Meet Mr. Akash Doshi, the Director of S. Doshi Papers Industries Pvt. Ltd, an extravagant Company that has successfully earned profits year after year in an extremely competitive industry. Akash has nurtured this Company for over 18 years to make it the manufacturing giant it is today. In this VIP, Akash will share how he has fused modern technology to his years-old family business, and how he has succefully continued and progressed the business using value-based leadership and entrepreneurship.


  • Experiential Learning from home
  • Detailed Internship skills assessment report
  • Course Completion Certificate
  • Learn from industry experts
  • Easy Online Access
  • Learn at your pace anytime anywhere
  • Option to experience multiple careers to make objective decision